
Challenge Your Logic: 30 Mind-Boggling Riddles With Answers to Test Your IQ

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Are you someone who loves solving crosswords, puzzles and riddles in your leisure time? It can be really thrilling at times to challenge your brain and put your logical skills to the test. My love for riddles inspired me to put forward this exciting collection of 30 brain-teasing riddles with answers that are guaranteed to stretch your logical skills and shake up your IQ. While they may not be extremely difficult, they are testing enough to sharpen your mental acuity and encourage out of the box thinking, especially if you set yourself a 15-second timeframe for each riddle.

Although the answers are provided below each puzzle, which can be revealed with a simple button click, I strongly recommend trying to solve them yourself before taking a peek. Most of the riddles listed here are “Who Am I riddles,” which are word-based riddles that require you to think both literally and metaphorically to arrive at the correct answer. So why not take the challenge and push your mental limits and savor the satisfaction of figuring out the answers on your own? For those who truly enjoy flexing their brainpower, these riddles are just perfect for testing your logical reasoning and creative thinking.

In the past, we’ve published a couple of intriguing articles on matchstick puzzles that test your logical reasoning skills. This time, we’ve taken our brain teaser section to a new level with this unique collection of 30 tricky riddles with answers. Solving these riddles isn’t just entertaining—it’s a fantastic workout for your brain! Studies have shown that riddles can boost focus, improve memory, and enhance cognitive flexibility. So, clear your mind and dive into these brain-teasing riddles that are sure to leave you amazed and craving for more!

15 Tricky Riddles With Answers That Will Boost Your Logical Thinking

Riddle 1

You are my brother but I am not your brother.
Who am I ?


Explanation: If I am not your brother, then I’m your sister.

Riddle 2

I am unstoppable but I am easy to waste.
What am I ?


Explanation: Time is unstoppable and it’s easy to waste time

Riddle 3

Tom’s father has four sons. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ………..?


Explanation: The question itself says it’s Tom’s father, so the fourth son is definitely Tom.

Riddle 24

Tricky Riddles With Dots | Roopvibes
Tricky Riddle Solution | Roopvibes

Riddle 5

If I drink I die but if I eat I will grow.
What am I ?


Explanation: When you pour water on fire, it dies and a fire grows when it consumes or engulfs other objects.

Riddle 6

I start with an ‘E’ and end with an ‘E’ and I have powerful countries inside me.
Who am I ?


Explanation: Europe starts and ends with the letter ‘E’ and is home to several powerful countries.

Riddle 7

I sound like one letter but I am written with three. I show you things when you look through me.
Who am I ?


Explanation: The word eye sounds like one letter ‘I’. Eye is a three-letter word, and you see through it.

Riddle 8

I am full of keys but I can’t open any door.
What am I?


Explanation: The riddle implies the keys of a keyboard.

Riddle 9

Riddle For Testing Your Eyesight | Roopvibes
Eyesight Riddle Answer | Roopvibes

Riddle 10

What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?


Explanation: SHORT + E + R = SHORTER

Riddle 11

There was a girl who was half my age when I was 20. My age is now 60. What is her age?


Explanation: When I was 20, her age was 10. So she is 10 years younger to me. Hence, now her age is 50.

Riddle 12

I have a face and two hands but I have no legs.
Who am I?


Explanation: A clock has a face and two hands—an hour hand and a minute hand—but no legs.

Riddle 13

I am a color. But you can eat me.
What am I?


Explanation: Orange is a color and also a fruit

Riddle 14

I shoot but I never hurt or kill. What am I?


Explanation: A camera is used for shooting photographs.

Riddle 15

I have a neck but no head, two arms but no hands. Who am I?

A Shirt

Explanation: A shirt has a neck but no head. It has two arms but no head.

15 Challenging Riddles With Answers To Challenge Your IQ Level

Riddle 16

Two people are born at the same moment but their birthdays don’t fall on the same date.
How is that possible?

They are born in different timezones

Explanation: A person born in India and the United States at the same time will have different birth dates as they fall in different timezones

Riddle 17

What is so delicate that even uttering its name breaks it?


Explanation: Even uttering the word silence breaks the silence.

Riddle 18

What can you add to a bucket full of water to make it lighter?

A Hole

Explanation: Adding a hole to the bucket drains out the water, making the bucket lighter.

Riddle 19

Matchstick Riddle | Roopvibes
Matchstick Riddle Answer | Roopvibes

Riddle 20

What can be measured but has no length, breadth and height?


Explanation: Temperature can be measured but has no length, breadth or height.

Riddle 21

I sit when you sit, I walk when you walk and I run when you run. Who am I?

My Shadow

Explanation: A person’s shadow follows the person all the time in whatever he does.

Riddle 22

If I have it I don’t share it and if I share it, I don’t have it.
What is it??


Explanation: A person doesn’t share a secret, and if he shares it, it no longer remains a secret.

Riddle 23

What English word sound the same even after you take away four of it’s five letters?


Explanation: The word Queue is pronounced as “Q”. So if you take away “UEUE” letters from the word Queue the pronunciation does not change

Riddle 24

Number Riddle | Roopvibes
Number Riddle Solution | Roopvibes

Riddle 25

I am first on earth, second in heaven. I appear twice in a week but never in a month.
What am I?

The letter “e”

Explanation: The letter “E” appears first in the word “earth”, second in the word “heaven”, appears twice in the word “week”, and does not appear at all in the word “month”.

Riddle 26

What can fill an entire room without occupying any space?


Explanation: Light fills a room but does not occupy space.

Riddle 27

The more you have me the less you see. Shine a light on me and I flee. Who am I?


Explanation: The more the darkness, the less is your visibility. But when you shine a light, darkness vanishes.

Riddle 28

I have no life but I can die. What am I?

A Battery

Explanation: A battery is an inanimate object, but when it runs out of charge, we say the battery is dead.

Riddle 29

Where does Friday come before Thursday?

Only in a dictionary

Explanation: In a dictionary, words are arranged in alphabetical order, where Friday comes before Thursday

Riddle 30

What can you easily break but never touch?

A Promise

Explanation: Not keeping a promise is often termed as breaking a promise. So, we can break a promise but can’t touch it as it’s not a physical item

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